Not a good blogger
Six months between posts will not win any contests.
Stuff I learned since the last post:
Not a lot of really new thoughts but I have realized a new appreciation for them.
Stuff I learned since the last post:
- Cherish your family. I lost my Mom the day before Thanksgiving and miss her terribly.
- Make time for the important things. I've tried to be more active with my kids. I've given up several shooting matches for basketball games and Boy Scouts.
- People are good. I knew this before but appreciate it more. I try to remember this when something upsets me. Empathy can be very calming.
- It's better to be busy than be bored.
- It's better to take time to do something right than to rush through and do it wrong.
- True friends love you even when they don't agree with you on everything.
- You don't make true friends by disagreeing with them on everything however. :)
- It's better to be a good loser than a bad winner.
- Children will learn from who ever will teach them. Make sure you approve of the teacher and the lesson.
- Cheer for accomplishments, even your opponent's, don't cheer an opponent's mistakes.
- There is good in every situation. It may be like grasping at straws but it's better than despair.
Not a lot of really new thoughts but I have realized a new appreciation for them.
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