Monday, February 16, 2009


For better or worse, the stimulus bill has passed and will be signed into law by the President tomorrow. I have heard people comment that they do not want to see it work as it is a big government bill and others comment that they want it to work because we need it to work.

Regardless of the bill's effect, we will see more like it. If it shows signs of working, then we will be told this is the right track and we should do more. If there are no signs that it is working, we will be told that not enough was done and we should do more.

Either way expect more stimuli...

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Good is not always exciting

Watching my daughter's basketball last night was exciting. Both teams played well and the game went into overtime. The other team ended up winning by 6 but it was a great game. Our girls did not play their best game but it was great fun watching.

Of course, watching them play their best can be a bit boring. You kind of feel sorry for the other team when your team is dominating the game. There is no tension, no drama, no real excitement...

Mistakes are dramatic. Good performance is fluid, graceful and seemingly easy. Smoothness and efficiency of motion is the key.